As of late, as well as certain images being broken I’ve also noticed that Voyager is having trouble pulling in posts from my subscription feed. The local and all feeds still work and the subscribed feed still works on my instance’s main web app.

Edit: It seems to have resolved itself, so this issue may have been on my end.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I’m not certain, but I think this is a combination of two things. (Evidence another client gives the actual error which is timeout waiting for a slot)

    The instance having difficulty coping with the API calls when busy and the API not having a graceful fallback.

    • TheSaneWriterOPA
      21 year ago

      That may be, it seems to have resolved itself. I’ll edit my post.

  • body_by_make
    21 year ago

    This happens a lot when sorting by top of a time range if you just run out of content by hiding it all