i can’t stand megathreads – no one reads these! no one wants their posts banished there!

  • May
    191 year ago

    When someone would ask a good question that you also wanna know the answer to, but then all the “answers” were just jokes bc everyone wanna get upvotes. I dont really mind jokes but those times it was a bit sad, then sometimes no one would answer for real bc i guess they see 10 replies and assume surely one of them is real already.

    Also repost bots.

    And apple vs samsung feuds.

    And sometimes looked like whenever some people try to organize action or protests, comments just spamming that “protests do nothing” or “voting does nothing,” or “what is this gonna do,” not suggesting any other solution either, almost like trying to encourage apathy? Or discourage action. Sometimes i wondered if those were bots.

    Also the r/wooosh when someone didn’t understand a joke. .-.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Nothing enrages me more when you have a very specific problem and the only result is a reddit thread that’s filled with jokes, irrelevant information, and no solution.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I want users to be able to flag comments as “jokes” or “serious” on lemmy, so it is easy to sort by relevant comment thread. Especially inside jokes.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      The Apple vs Android feuding has been done to death but man did Redditors love it and having used both extensively, I can say most of them are arguing over absolutely nothing.

      They’re a different means to the same end result. No, dog piling on someone with a personal preference doesn’t make you “correct” just because the hive-mind resonates with your insults and rage.

      Now I’m seeing the same shit with new Linux users buying Steam Decks. On the subreddit it’s basically asking for mass downvotes to say anything positive about Windows.

      Just let people enjoy things however they want to, damn.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      I remember the days when on reddit, the most insightful and genuine answers would get upvoted, because an upvote was related to the quality of the post, and not the “Meme”.

      reddit died when that all changed