• @[email protected]
    241 year ago

    Criticizing your “own”.

    I’m liberal and I think it’s my duty to criticise and point out when liberals are doing stupid shit, because it’s the only way to make progress and get better.

    No, that doesn’t make me alt right or your enemy.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      I don’t mind my fellow liberals being critical of one another. I mind when we eat our own.

      Liberals often lose because we fight a two front war. Conservatives just have to fight liberals. Liberals fight both - conservatives and other liberals.

      There’s a lot of “purity testing” we do that I don’t see on the other side. If liberals did a better job of accepting imperfect allies, we certainly would’ve won 2016. Maybe even won 2004.

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        There’s a lot of “purity testing” we do that don’t see on the other side.

        So much this. I used to do a fair bit of volunteering for lefty politics and causes. There wasn’t overt judgement of people other volunteers who weren’t “pure” but there was a weird feeling of trying to be perfect.

        I wish we exuded more of a “come as you are” vibe. I don’t give a shit if you and your fam drove to a climate protest. You’re taking time out of your day to do it. Ducking A. Drive safe on the way home and see you next time.