As more and more details are being revealed about Rep. Lauren Boebert’s wild night out in Denver last weekend — having been kicked out of “Beetlejuice” the musical for vaping and just generally being a public nuisance with her male companion — a full picture is coming together of what the other theater patrons around her that night had to endure.

Newly released footage of the night in question appears to show Boebert’s exposed breasts being fondled by her date for an extended period of time while she, in turn, dawdles around in his lap with her hand. As many have pointed out on social media, having seen this footage, children were seated all around the couple that night, within viewing range of what they were up to.

“Laurent Boebert was jerking her date off in public while he gropes her in a theater where children were present and yet she continues to attack LGBTQ people as ‘threats to children,’” writes journalist and clinical instructor Alejandra Caraballo on X, sharing the footage of Boebert in the act.

    • phillaholic
      8010 months ago

      And yet we know the answer. The Democrat resigns, the Republican moves the goalposts or ignores they ever were against it.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago
      • Total felony charges brought against Republican presidents - 91.
      • Total felony charges brought against Democratic presidents - 0.
      • 100% of presidents found to be rapists in a court of law are Republican.
      • 100% of presidents who “grab them by the pussy” are Republican.
      • Number of presidents who have been listed as “unindicted co-conspirators” - 2 - both Republican, of course.
      • 100% of congressional representatives who are on video having their bare breasts fondled while they jerk off their date are Republican.
      • “It’s all the same shit.” - @[email protected]
      • Total number of active brain cells of @[email protected] - 0.
        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          It’s not exactly an extensive list. Just Google “Trump charges”, “Watergate” and watch the video above and you covered it all.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          …those statistics look concerning.


          The thing is, you didn’t leave any sources for me to verify with, so I’m going to assume most of what you said was pulled out of your ass.

          Why are you commenting in a politics forum instead of taking a remedial class on the Google?

          It’s all the same shit.

          The thing is, you didn’t leave any sources for me to verify with, so I’m going to assume that comment was just pulled out of your ass. Actually no assumption is necessary.

          Parler is thataways -------------------------------------->

    • @[email protected]
      5210 months ago

      The issue with your statement is it’s always a republican doing nefarious shit. There isn’t a “bOtH sIdEs” argument here.

    • @[email protected]
      3210 months ago

      We don’t have to imagine. Al Franken did some inappropriate stuff and when it came to light the Democrats forced him to resign.

      Oh, but tell me more about how both sides are the same…