Hey there guys! After today’s fiasco, I decided that we need some moderators that aren’t me or Ada. If you would like to be a moderator, please reply to this post with why you think you would be a good mod, and any previous social medias that I can check out just to make sure you’re not a troll (reddit is the most useful but twitter/mastodon/whatever works too).

  • TheSaneWriterA
    21 year ago

    I’d like to be a mod for this community. In terms of why I’m a good fit, I really like the c/196 community and the positivity with which it shitposts, and I will apply full discretion to remove nazis, trolls, bigots, and other troublemakers from our community. In terms of social media, I’m active with this account, I have activity on my alt @[email protected], and my Reddit username from before I migrated over is u/TheSaneWriter. Though I wasn’t the most active user, I still participated here and there over the few years I spent on Reddit.